XENIA international consortium commemorates two days dedicated to the fight against gender-based violence worldwide. Annually November celebrates the TDoR - Transgender Day of Remembrance on day 20th to memorialize transgender people who have been murdered and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th.
Are these two days united by a common thread? First of all, which women are included (or excluded) in actions to prevent and combat gender-based violence?
Let’s take into consideration the word TRANS. It is not a noun, but an adjective. So when we talk about women, in the same way we should talk about white women and women of colour, skilled and disabled women, so we also should talk about cisgender and transgender women.
In official statistics on GBV the gender variable is always expressed in the "male" and "female" modalities, but transgender and non-binary people are invisible.
The Erasmus+ XENIA project with its 8 partners from 5 different European countries commemorates all the victims and survivors of misogynistic and transphobic gender-based violence and stresses the common matrix of these two expressions of violence found in the male chauvinist, genderist and patriarchal culture.
XENIA believes that educational tools are crucial to prevent gender-based violence and to promote a culture respectful of diversity.
It also supports the importance of producing scientific knowledge and empirical evidence on the topic, in order to advocate and give tools to policy makers for the creation of inclusive anti-violence policies.